It is a Known fact that the part 10 weeks of this new year 2020 has witnessed a Global Health Crisis (Corona Virus) COVID-19. It is also a known fact that a Global Economic Crisis is also staring the world at face at the same time.
As Saints of God, what we are hearing from our Lord Jesus Christ is very important in this season. For it is written “Man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord” (Deut. 8:3).
No Doubt; Scientists, Economists, Global Analysts, Governments etc all over the world are speaking, we thank the Lord for them. But we must also hear what our Lord is saying to us now, as His Church, His Body, His Bride, His Priesthood and His Army because our citizenship is in Heaven (Phil. 3:20).
This will go a long way to communicate Faith and Grace into our hearts. We all need Faith and Grace in this Season, which come with joy, gladness and strength. It is His Grace in our hearts that will erase all panic and fear. May the Lord continue to strengthen us in this season by the word of His Grace (Acts 20:32). Amen.
These are some of the things I am receiving in this season:
1. Heb. 12:25 – 29: This is a season of shaking.
And only Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is Key to survive and Navigate this season.
2. 1 Tim. 6:20 :- The Glory of our salvation is superior to science. And our faith must therefore rest on
this Glory not science.
3. 2 Sam. 20:1 - This Global Economic crisis is for the wicked not the righteous. It is for the “Sauls”
of this world not the “Davids” Amen.
- As His Church, we are “Davids” and not “Sauls”
4. Dan. 9:25 – The Church of Jesus shall be built, His House shall be built, His Gospel shall be preached
even in these troublous times. - So nothing should discourage us about the building of His Church at
this time.
5. Numb. 16: 46-48 – The Priestly/Apostolic Authority is rising out of the Global Church in this season to
put a stop to this Global Health and Economic Plague that is ravaging the world. This plague shall be
stopped. We must believe in this.
6. Isa. 40:1-2 – Sin remains the root of all Human crisis. And this current crisis is not an exception. The
Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord remains the key to stop all the warfare and the restlessness
of man.
That must sink into our hearts.
7. Micah 3:8 – The Lord is raising the “Micahs” in this season to tell the world their Sins. These are
Preachers with the message of repentance and Salvation that is in Christ.
The world is desperately in need of Preachers that are filled with the Spirit of the Lord to tell the world
of their sins and point them to the salvation available in Christ.
Sin is the problem of the world not Poverty, not Hunger, not war, not Iran, not Russia, not North Korea,
not Corona Virus, not HIV. It is SIN.
8. John 17:9 – Our Lord Jesus Christ in His last prayers said “I pray for them; I do not pray for the world”.
- Let us keep this in mind that our Lord is still interceding for us as
His Church in this season (Heb. 7:25).
- And His Grace will see us through. Amen
9. Matt. 24:7,8,14 – In the midst of this pestilence (Corona Virus) and famine (Global Economic crisis),
there is an army rising up across the Nations Preaching “The Gospel of the kingdom in all the world as
a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” Amen.
- We must strive to be part of this army.
- Nothing must hold us down.
I pray every one reading these words will be counted and enlisted in our Lord’s end time Army preaching His Gospel even in this hour of trouble in the world.
Much Blessing and Grace to you.
David Adesina
Graceland International Apostolic Center Abuja, Nigeria
March 18, 2020.
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